Chakra Healing Books

Top 5 Chakra Healing Books: Unlock Your Hidden Potential (2023)

Written by Harry Bird

Chakra Healing Books to Deepen your Chakra Skills

Chakra Healing is starting to take off, especially with the rise of yoga and new-age philosophies. But, what exactly is healing your chakras and how can we benefit from it?

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means "wheel of energy." It's all about the energy that flows through our bodies, and it's linked to different points in our body. There are seven different chakras in total, starting from the base of the spine and going all the way up to the top of our head. Each chakra has its own roles and responsibilities, and if one chakra is off balance, it can affect the others.

It's important to keep our chakras balanced and functioning properly because it can affect our mental and physical state. And, in order to keep our chakras in check, we need to make sure we're receiving the right energy. This means eating the right foods and getting enough nutrients.

So, if you're interested in learning more about chakra healing, I've put together a list of five awesome chakras healing books that will help you understand the basics and how it works. Also, check out my beginners guide to chakra healing as well if you want to know more about how to heal your chakras the right way!

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Are you ready to dive into the world of chakra healing and discover new techniques to balance your energy? Look no further, because I've compiled a list of the top 5 must-read books on chakra healing that will leave you feeling rejuvenated and enlightened. From beginners guides to advanced teachings, these books are sure to have something for everyone. So grab a notebook, a cozy blanket and get ready to unlock the power of your chakras!

Top 5 Chakra Healing Books: Discover Balance 


1. Chakra Healing By Margarita Alcantara

  • Chakra Healing: A Beginner's Guide by Margarita Alcantara is a comprehensive guide to chakra healing
  • Covers various techniques and methods to balance and heal chakras
  • The author, Margarita Alcantara, has a deep understanding of both Western and Eastern methodology
  • Very easy to understand and provides a lot of helpful information
  • Well-organized and goes into enough depth to provide a solid understanding of the subject
  • Great for beginners looking to learn about Chakra Healing.
Chakra healing by Margarita Alcantara book review to help heal your chakras

4.5 Out of 5 stars

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"Best Chakra Healing Book For Beginners"

This book is a great introduction to chakra healing for beginners. The author, Margarita Alcantara, has a deep understanding of both Western and Eastern methodology, and she presents the material in an easy-to-understand way. The book covers an overview of the chakras, common symptoms and ailments, and various healing remedies and treatments. It also includes an appendix on yoga poses and crystals, which I found particularly helpful.

One of the things I love about this book is the level of detail it provides. It's not just a basic introduction to chakras, but it goes into enough depth to give you a solid understanding of the subject. I also appreciate the various techniques and methods included in the book - it makes it easy to find something that works for you.

Overall, I think this is a fantastic book for anyone interested in learning about chakra healing. It's well-organized, easy to understand, and provides a lot of helpful information. If you're just getting started in this study, I highly recommend checking it out.


  • Detailed information on chakras and their physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects
  • Various techniques for healing and balancing each chakra
  • Includes practical exercises and activities
  • Written by an experienced practitioner


  • Information may be too detailed and complex for some readers
  • Focuses on Eastern spiritual concepts, may not resonate with Western readers
  • Emphasis on alternative healing methods and crystals may be seen as New Age or pseudoscientific.
Get your copy of this book from Amazon here.

2. Chakras By Kristine Marie Corr

  • Chakras by Kristine Marie Corr is a comprehensive guide to chakra healing and understanding
  • Offers a detailed overview of the seven chakras and their purpose within the physical body
  • Provides information on identifying and healing blockages in the chakras
  • Very well-written, easy to understand, and provides a lot of helpful information to get started with Chakra Healing.
  • Also provides practical information that can be easily applied to everyday life
  • The author recommends the book for anyone interested in learning about chakra healing and understanding.
Chakras By Kristine Marie Corr

4 Out of 5 stars

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If you're looking to dive into the world of chakra healing and understanding, Chakras by Kristine Marie Corr is a great place to start. This book offers a detailed overview of the seven chakras and their purpose within the physical body, and also provides information on identifying and healing blockages in the chakras. In this review, I'll be sharing my thoughts on the book and its effectiveness in teaching chakra healing techniques.

This book is a great introduction to chakra healing and understanding. Kristine Marie Corr explains each of the seven chakras, their purpose within the physical body, and how to keep them balanced and flowing. She also goes into detail about identifying blockages in the chakras and the symptoms that can result from them. This book is not just a quick fix, but provides the reader with the tools to take responsibility for their own lives and how they want to experience them.

One of the things I love about this book is the level of detail it provides. It's not just a basic introduction to chakras, but it goes into enough depth to give you a solid understanding of the subject. The book also provides practical information that can be easily applied to everyday life.

Overall, I think this is a fantastic book for anyone interested in learning about chakra healing. It's well-written, easy to understand, and provides a lot of helpful information. If you're looking for a comprehensive guide to chakra healing, Chakras by Kristine Marie Corr is a great choice.


  • The book provides detailed information about each of the seven main chakras and their functions within the body.
  • It gives a clear understanding about the importance of keeping the chakras balanced and healthy.
  • The book offers practical techniques for nourishing, healing, and developing one's understanding of the chakras.


  • Some readers may find the book too basic and not providing enough advanced information.
  • The book may not be suitable for readers who are already well-versed in chakra healing.
  • Some readers may find the book too short and not providing enough in-depth information.
Get your copy of this book from Amazon here.

3. Wheels Of Life By Anodea Judith

  • The author of the book, Anodea Judith, presents the concept of a descending current in addition to the traditional ascending current in chakra healing
  • Provides a detailed overview of the chakras and their role in maintaining physical, spiritual and mental balance
  • The author's approach to chakra healing is unique and offers a sustainable solution to maintaining chakra balance
  • Considered to be well-written and easy to understand for beginners, but some readers felt that the level of detail and understanding of chakras was light and conventional
  • Overall, the book is recommended for those new to chakra healing, but may not offer many new insights for more advanced readers.
Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith

3.5 Out of 5 stars

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Chakra healing is a powerful tool for understanding and balancing the energy within our bodies. The book "Wheels of Life" by Anodea Judith is a well-known and respected guide to chakra healing. In this review, I will be sharing my thoughts on the book and its effectiveness in teaching chakra healing techniques.

The main focus of "Wheels of Life" is an in-depth look at the seven chakras and their role in the human body. Anodea Judith does an amazing job of providing us with an explanation of each chakra and its purpose. One of the unique aspects of this book is the emphasis on the descending current in addition to the ascending current of energy flow. This provides a more sustainable and complete understanding of chakra healing.

The author also delves into identifying and healing blockages in the chakras and the symptoms that they can cause. She also explores the relationship between chakras and the body, and how imbalanced chakras can affect our physical and mental well-being.

The book is well-written and easy to understand, making it a great choice for those new to chakra healing. However, for those who are more advanced in their understanding of chakras, the book may not offer many new revelations.

Overall, "Wheels of Life" by Anodea Judith is a solid choice for anyone looking to learn more about chakra healing. It provides a detailed and comprehensive understanding of the chakras and their role in the body, and offers practical advice for balancing and healing them.


  • The book presents a unique approach to chakra healing
  • The book provides a detailed overview of the chakras and their role in maintaining physical, spiritual and mental balance.
  • The book is well-written and easy to understand for beginners.
  • The book provides a lot of helpful information and techniques for readers to try.


  • You might find that the level of detail and understanding of chakras presented in the book was light and conventional.
  • Some readers might find the author's approach to chakra healing too different from traditional methodologies.
  • Some readers may not find many new insights in the book if they are more advanced in their understanding of chakra healing.
Get your copy of this book from Amazon here.

4. The Ultimate Guide to Chakras: Athena Perakiss

  • "The Ultimate Guide to Chakras" offers a comprehensive overview of chakra healing and its benefits
  • Suitable for beginners but also offers detailed information for those already educated on the subject

  • Covers historical and spiritual aspects of chakras and how to use crystals, oils, runes, planets, tarot, and recipes in relation to each chakra

  • Writing style is reader-friendly and includes illustrations

  • Can be used as a powerful tool in self-discovery and healing

  • Good gift for those just starting to work on their chakras.
The Ultimate Guide to Chakras

3.5 Out of 5 stars

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In "The Ultimate Guide to Chakras: The Beginner's Guide to Balancing, Healing, and Unblocking Your Chakras" by Dr. Athena Perrakis, readers are given a comprehensive overview of chakra healing and its benefits.

The book is a beginner-friendly guide, but also offers a level of detail that can be beneficial for those who are already educated on the subject. The book covers the historical and spiritual aspects of chakras, as well as the use of crystals, oils, runes, planets, tarot and recipes in relation to each chakra.

Dr. Perrakis' writing style is reader-friendly and the illustrations in the book are also praised. Some readers have found the book to be a powerful tool in their journey of self-discovery and healing.

Also, I think this book is also a great gift for those who are just starting to work on their chakras, but don't let the word beginner fool you! It's jam packed with everything you need to learn about healing your chakras.


  • Comprehensive overview of chakra healing and its benefits
  • Suitable for beginners but also offers detailed information for those already educated on the subject
  • Covers historical and spiritual aspects of chakras and how to use crystals, oils, runes, planets, tarot, and recipes in relation to each chakra
  • Writing style is reader-friendly and includes illustrations


  • Some readers may find the information too detailed and complex to fully understand and implement
  • The book primarily focuses on Eastern spiritual and metaphysical concepts, which may not resonate with readers who are more familiar with Western beliefs
  • Some readers may not find the author's writing style or illustrations to be engaging or helpful.
Get your copy of this book from Amazon here.

5. The Book of Chakras By Ambika Wauters

  • The Book of Chakras is a guide to understanding and working with the energy centers of the body known as chakras
  • Detailed information on each of the seven main chakras, including location, colors, and common physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances
  • Includes practices and exercises for healing and balancing each chakra, such as meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, and crystal therapy
  • Blends traditional Eastern teachings with Western psychology and mindfulness practices
  • Provides practical tools and techniques that readers can use in their daily lives
  • Visually appealing with illustrations and photographs
The Book of Chakras

4 Out of 5 stars

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The Book of Chakras by Ambika Wauters is an incredible in-depth guide to understanding and working with the energy centers of the body known as chakras. The book begins with an introduction to the concept of chakras, explaining their origins and significance in Eastern spiritual traditions.

Ambika provides detailed information on each of the seven main chakras, including their location, associated colors, and common physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances. Wauters also includes practices and exercises for healing and balancing each chakra, such as meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, and crystal therapy. Additionally, there are sections on working with chakras through dream work, journaling, and self-inquiry.

One of the strengths of this book is the author's ability to blend traditional Eastern teachings with Western psychology and mindfulness practices. This makes the information accessible to readers from various cultural and spiritual backgrounds. The author also provides practical tools and techniques that readers can use to work with their chakras in their daily lives.

I also thought that The Book of Chakras is also visually appealing, with beautiful illustrations and photographs that enhanced my reading experience.

Overall, The Book of Chakras is an excellent resource for anyone interested in learning more about the chakras and how to work with them for personal growth and well-being. Ambika Wauters knowledge and expertise on the subject is evident throughout the book, and the practical tools and techniques provided make it easy to put the information into practice.


  • In-depth guide to understanding and working with the energy centers of the body known as chakras
  • Provides practical tools and techniques that readers can use to work with their chakras in their daily lives
  • Provides detailed information on each of the seven main chakras, including their location, associated colors, and common physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances
  • Visually appealing with beautiful illustrations and photographs that enhance the reading experience


  • Some readers may find the book overly detailed and complex, and may not fully understand or implement all the information presented.
  • The book may not resonate with readers who are not interested in Eastern spiritual and metaphysical concepts or alternative healing methods.
  • Some readers may find the author's writing style or illustrations to be too New Age or pseudoscientific.
Get your copy of this book from Amazon here.


Thanks for reading guys, I hope you found this review on chakra healing books helpful! I know there are a ton of options out there, so I made sure to consider a variety of factors when choosing the books for our list. Whether you're a total beginner or a seasoned pro, I'm sure there will be a book in this review that will suit your needs.

For those who are already pretty familiar with the chakra healing books, "Chakra Healing" by Margarita Alcantara is my absolute top pick. It goes into a lot of detail and is perfect for advanced readers, and I generally just preferred it overall. But don't worry if you're new to the topic, there are plenty of options for beginners too like "Chakras" by Kristine Marie Corr or "Wheels of Life" by Anodea Judith.

When it comes to spiritual wellness books, it's important to choose one that's right for you. Buying the right book will make all the difference in how much you learn and understand. And remember, when starting out, it's always best to take it slow and make sure you have a solid understanding of the basics before diving into more advanced material. Happy reading!

About the Author

A Husband, father of 6 and musician, Harry decided to create BirdnSoul to share his mindful journey with the world, and help others become more mindful in their daily lives.

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