Mindful Behavior: How to Be More Mindful in Your Daily Life

Mindful Behavior: How to Be More Mindful in Your Daily Life

Written by Harry Bird

Cultivating Mindful behaviour is an essential piece of the mindful puzzle. Once you are aware of it, will help you grow and become a lot more aware of yourself and what's going on around you. So, for me this would include thinking before I speak and having a word with myself when I overeact to trivial situations.

Learning this skill has the potential to bring our ideas, feelings, and behaviors into clearer focus for us. Being attentive may also assist us to become better listeners, more present in the discussions we have, and more empathetic towards other people.

In this article, I will discuss a few simple ways that can help you become more aware in your day-to-day life. I'll talk about the benefits of practicing mindfulness, how to incorporate it into your daily routine, and some helpful hints for becoming more aware of your thoughts and feelings.

Understanding Mindful Behavior

Understanding mindful behavour

Cultivating Mindful behavior is a great way to live more in the present moment. It's about being mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without judgment or attaching any meaning to them.

When you're mindful, you can be aware of what's going on around you without rushing through life or feeling any need for control over it. You'll notice things like

  • The sounds around you (whether they're voices or music)
  • Your thoughts as they come to mind (if they do)

This helps you feel less stressed because there isn't any emphasis placed on getting anywhere fast; instead, we can simply enjoy being where we are in the present moment.

How to Be More Mindful in Your Daily Life

Becoming more mindful doesn't have to be an uphill battle. You can be more mindful in your daily life by becoming aware of your thoughts, feelings, and body - and you can do all of this by using a few simple steps which I will discuss below.

Be Aware Of Your Thoughts

Thoughts are just words you're thinking about something else (e.g., "I'm hungry"). They have no power to control anything on their own; they simply come from somewhere in the mind and go somewhere else without any real meaning behind them.

If we don't pay attention to what's going on inside our heads, we might end up with an unfulfilling life full of regrets or self-judgment because we've misinterpreted things that happened in the past as signs that something bad was going to happen in the future too! This is called projecting which I still find myself doing now but I'm a lot better than I use to be admittedly.

So if you notice yourself getting distracted by negative thoughts like these too much then try redirecting them into other areas like exercise instead where there doesn't a need for any extra motivation because it would already naturally happen due to its own natural rewards (like feeling good afterwards).

Be Aware Of Your Body

Your body is only one part out of many parts which make up who YOU are as a whole person so don't forget about all those other parts when focusing only on one element such as nutrition/exercise etc.

When someone loses weight through dieting alone without working out regularly enough then chances are higher than usual for gaining back weight again unless combined with regular exercise routines such as walking away from home each morning before leaving work late afternoon each day.

Benefits Of Mindful Living

The art of mindful living

Mindful living is a lifestyle that promotes awareness, compassion, and mindfulness. Below I've listed a few of the benefits you can expect to achieve from practicing mindfulness on a regular basis:

  • Increased Self-Awareness:  When you are more mindful, you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions. This can help you to become more in touch with yourself as well as others around you.
  • Increased Compassion: Being mindful allows us to experience the world from another person's perspective rather than just our own egocentric viewpoint. This helps develop empathy which leads to being able to feel what someone else feels even if it isn't always easy for us at times!
  • Increased Mindfulness: Mindfulness involves paying attention without judgment on what happens in front of us (i.e., no judging whether something good or bad has happened). This can lead to increased happiness because once we stop trying so hard all the time then we'll start noticing things that make us happy instead!  

It's also possible for some people who practice meditation regularly to report feeling calmer throughout their day despite having busy schedules because they've been able to gain control over their emotions through meditation techniques such as breathing techniques which work wonders when used correctly.

Mindful Behaviour Tips: Focus On The Present Moment

The key to being mindful is focusing on the present moment. You can do this in several ways:

  • Don't worry about your past or future—they're out of your control, so there's no point in worrying about them.
  • Don't worry about what other people think of you—they aren't always right and they don't know everything (even if they seem to like it).
  • Don't worry about what you should be doing with your time and energy at any given moment—that's between you and God/your higher power/whatever else works for you! And even if there was something specific that needed to happen, chances are good that everything will work out fine anyway because life isn’t perfect either.

Finding Connection

Learning to cultivate Mindful behaviour couldn't be spoken about without talking about connection. This has been so important to me over the last few years, in particular I've found it has benefited my sobriety massively and I probably wouldn't have made it without the help of mindfulness.

Below is a few things I have used personally to help me connect with myself and the positive energy around me:

  • Connect with Nature: Being in touch with nature is an easy way to get in touch with yourself and others. This could be going to the woods or taking a stroll on the beach. Here in Newquay, Cornwall, there's no shortage of beaches to walk around on.
  • Connect with Other People: You can find all kinds of people like yourself by attending the same places of interest like bars, cafes, meetings, etc.
  • Connect With Your Body: Get to know your body by getting involved with some yoga or practicing meditation on a regular basis.
  • Connect With Your Mind: This is another one that meditation is great for helping. Just spending time alone is usually enough for me to find some kind of connection with my mind.
  • Connect With Your Emotions and Spirituality: Becoming more spiritual can be achieved by cultivating a more honest and open approach to everyday life that I've found for me usually starts to improve after sharing whats going on for me with a close friend

Practice Non-Judgmental Awareness

Practicing non-judgemental awareness

Mindfulness is about observing your thoughts and emotions without judging yourself or others. It involves being present in the moment and paying attention to what is happening around you.

Although it sounds simple, it takes practice to cultivate this skill.

  • To get started, try this easy exercise: sit with your back straight against a wall or stand upright.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breath for a minute, trying not to let any other thoughts distract you. When you're finished, open your eyes and notice how calm you feel.
  • Repeat the exercise as many times as you'd like. By paying attention to your breathing, you'll become more aware of the present moment and better equipped to deal with any challenges that come your way.


In conclusion, Mindful behaviour can help us be more present in the moment. By being aware of our thoughts, emotions, actions, environment, and the people around us, we can better connect with the present moment.

When we focus on something as simple as the sensation of sitting on a chair, we may be surprised at how easily our minds can wander to other topics. However, by intentionally taking a break from our busy lives and focusing on one thing at a time, we can sharpen our awareness and bring more clarity to our thoughts and feelings.

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for leading a balanced and attentive life. It can help us cultivate compassion, live in the present moment, and respond less reactively to the stresses of everyday life. Practicing mindfulness can also improve the quality of our relationships with others and ourselves. The beauty of mindfulness is that it doesn't have to be a once-a-week practice, it can be integrated into our daily lives over time.

So why not give it a try and see if you can bring more mindfulness to your daily routine? By incorporating mindful behaviour into your life, you may discover a newfound sense of calm and clarity that will benefit you in all areas of your life.

Also, If you have found mindfulness has helped you, or even if you are new the journey and find this post helpful, let me know in the comment section below.

About the Author

A Husband, father of 6 and musician, Harry decided to create BirdnSoul to share his mindful journey with the world, and help others become more mindful in their daily lives.

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