N. O. W. Tone Therapy

N. O. W. Tone Therapy Review: Discover the Sound of Mindfulness In 2023

Written by Harry Bird

Welcome to my N.O.W Tone Therapy Review, as most people now know, meditation is a powerful practice that has been shown to have numerous benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving focus and concentration, and promoting overall well-being. However, finding the time and motivation to meditate every day can be a challenge for many people. This is where the Solu N. O. W. Tone Therapy comes in.

N. O. W. Tone Therapy is a unique approach to meditation that uses sound frequencies and vibrations to help bring the mind and body into a state of relaxation and clarity. The therapy utilizes a system of resonant tones, or "solfeggio frequencies," that are believed to have a healing effect on the mind and body.

One of the benefits of N. O. W. Tone Therapy is that it is a convenient and easy way to practice meditation. Rather than having to set aside a specific time and place to meditate, you can simply listen to the tones whenever and wherever you like. This makes it an ideal option for people who are busy or have a hard time finding the motivation to meditate regularly.

But does N. O. W. Tone Therapy really work? That's what this review aims to explore. We'll take a look at the science behind the therapy, the benefits it claims to offer, and what other users have to say about their experiences with it. By the end, you'll have all the information you need to decide if N. O. W. Tone Therapy is right for you.

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What Is N. O. W.?

N.O.W. tone therapy system

The N. O. W. Therapy System is a set of speakers made by a brand called Solu. They are designed to help you meditate twice a day, and you can use them to relax and unwind.

If you’re here, it means you’ve already heard of them, or you’re curious and want to know how they can help you. N. O. W. stands for New Origin Waveforms, which is the core of everyone’s aural neuromodulation process. 

When you turn the speakers on, they emit a specific waveform sequence, which can bring you back to the present. 

Each waveform can remind you to focus on the present moment, which is the most important thing you could pay attention to. The present is what gives life to your future, so having a useful tool to help your body relax might be a fantastic way to meditate.

The N. O. W. Box – Features and Design

When you buy the N. O. W. box, you not only get the speakers. You also get two charging cables, a guide to using the product, and a polishing cloth, so you can keep everything neat and clean.

The speakers are beautifully made, and they’re built with strong metal and a black chrome finishing, which means they are durable and trustworthy. Additionally, they are 3” x 1.25” and they weigh around 9 ounces. 

If you take a look at the speakers, each of them has the Solu logo on top. Furthermore, they have a USB port you can use to charge them, and an SD card slot with the memory card, which contains the audio files you may use for your meditation practice. At the bottom, you can find the speakers’ power and volume buttons.

How to Use the N. O. W. Speakers

Use Tone Therapy

It may sound obvious, but you have to charge the speakers first. Once you get them, you need to make sure they have enough battery for you to start your meditation practice. 

Examining the speakers is very easy, and you might quickly find the LED light that tells you whether or not they’re charged – it’s right next to the micro USB port. When they have enough battery, the light is going turn off, since it’s red while they charge.

Solu states that you can use the speakers for around 50 sessions of three minutes each before having to charge them. Considering that you should have two sessions per day, it’s a great deal since you don’t have to worry about the battery for more than a month.

After charging your speakers, all you need to do is turn them on. Press the power button on one of them, and then the other one. A short tone should start to play after a small pause, and you can begin enjoying the benefits of tone therapy.

The Solu speakers are perfectly set up to use indoors, so you don’t have to adjust the volume once you turn them on. However, if you want to use them outside, you can use the button to make sure you hear everything.

Finally, you don’t need to turn the speakers off after the tone stops. They turn off on their own once the three-minute relaxation period has concurred, so you never need to worry about forgetting they’re on. On the contrary, you can simply focus on what you’re hearing and stop thinking about everything else.

What Type of Sounds You Might Hear

It’s extremely difficult to describe the tones you may hear if you buy the Solu speakers. Nonetheless, what’s most important is that they’re soothing sounds, which is why they’re so effective to help you unwind, deal with stress, anger, and anxiety.

Keep in mind not everyone feels a lot of anxiety or gets angry. Each person is different, and of course, no two people go through the same things. Even so, feeling stress is very common, and it can happen to everyone.

Although you might not feel immensely stressed every day, the N. O. W. speakers could completely change your life. The tones you hear once you turn them on are extremely soothing, rumble, bounce in your head, and allow you to completely focus on the present moment. 

Meditating is extremely easy when you have a pair of N. O. W. Tone Therapy speakers. Instead of sitting quietly, you can simply turn them on and focus on soothing sounds for three minutes.

If you buy the speakers, you may never hear the same sounds twice since they have many different options. Thus, it’s impossible to feel bored. Each time you turn them on, you can have a completely different experience, which is essential if you want to enjoy all the benefits that mindfulness and meditation can offer you.

N.O.W. tone therapy system

N.O.W Tone Therapy

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Are they worth it?

Meditating every day is not easy, regardless of what people say. Sometimes your life is such a mess that you might have a lot of trouble focusing for a few seconds. If that’s your case, you may believe that you could never meditate for three minutes straight.

Buying the Solu speakers can completely change your experience. All you need to do is to turn them on and focus on the soothing sounds – your meditation can be over before you know it!

On some occasions, you might find yourself losing focus, even while you’re listening to the soothing tones the N. O. W. speakers produce. If that happens, you don’t need to panic. Breathe in and out slowly and bring your attention back to the present moment.

When you first start meditating, things can be extremely challenging because you can’t stop thinking about your daily life, to-do’s, and much more. Your thoughts might be a mess, and you may not know where to begin your mindfulness journey. Sometimes, people choose to simply let it go because they think it’s just not for them.

However, that’s not the case. Everyone can meditate – you just need to find the right way to do it, which is why the N. O. W. speakers might be what you’re looking for. 

Hundreds of people have tried Solu’s N. O. W. speakers and say they’ve transformed their lives. Even though it started as a simple way to begin their daily mindfulness practice, the soothing tones quickly helped them pay attention to their bodies and listen to their thoughts while also keeping their emotions in check.

Even though taking risks is not easy, Solu’s speakers work with the best technology and provide you with a simple-to-use tone therapy tool. Now, meditation is achievable – all you have to do is turn them on and let yourself go!

Final Verdict

In conclusion, the NOW tone therapy speakers offer a convenient and easy way to practice meditation and bring balance to the mind and body. The use of resonant tones, or "solfeggio frequencies," has been shown to have a calming and healing effect. The speakers are portable and can be used anytime and anywhere, making them an ideal option for people who are busy or have a hard time finding the time to meditate regularly.

To conclude my N.O.W Tone Therapy Review, the mindfulness speakers by Solu are a high-quality and effective product, with many users reporting positive experiences and benefits from using them. If you're looking for a convenient and easy way to practice meditation and bring balance to your life, the NOW tone therapy speakers may be worth considering.

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About the Author

A Husband, father of 6 and musician, Harry decided to create BirdnSoul to share his mindful journey with the world, and help others become more mindful in their daily lives.

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