Productive Things to Do When You’re Bored

8 Productive Things to Do When You’re Bored

Written by Harry Bird

‘The opposite of happiness is not sadness – it’s boredom’. Boredom is indeed a pressing complaint of most people in the world of today. Whenever you ask someone what they usually do when they are bored, most will answer, they just sit, watch the clock tick and let the time pass by.

But, what if I tell you boredom can become a blessing in disguise – an opportunity to explore something that you would otherwise have no time for in this hustling world?

What if I recommended 8 productive things to do when you’re bored to not feel like you have wasted your time getting bored, and rather feel motivated?

Try out some of the following activities and see if it brings you joy, contentment and motivation. Maybe then, one of these can turn into your hobby or regular habit instead of a task to kill time.

1. Sign off a few quick tasks

Sometimes we run out energy to complete big tasks. However, you might have ample energy left to check off a few items from your to-do list.

These can be tasks which will not take up too much time or effort- starting from sending off an e-mail for work, school or life, writing up a quick note to a friend, to answering some messages in your social media, which you have been too lazy to reply to.

Completing some piled up tasks at hand can give you utmost pleasure during times of monotony.

2. Reorganizing your room

Many a times we are too lazy to clean up our rooms during a busy week. Clothes lying around, dishes unwashed, papers piled up on desks and a super disorganized closet are very common during these times.

When you find the time and have nothing better to do, why not tidy up your desk, putting the books and folders in their right places in the shelf, watering your plants or even sorting your clothes in the closet.

Decluttering rooms have proven to reduce stress in people as it gives them a sense of decluttering their lives. You no longer have to say, ‘I am a mess, just like my room!’.

3. Meditation

If you have been having an emotionally hectic week or too my stress and anxiety at work, take this time to try some short meditation practices. You can either tune in some relaxing music in YouTube or Spotify or relax with eyes closed and shoulders resting.

Or, you can do some yoga watching a video online. You can choose your favourite place to do this- your couch, your bed, wherever you can feel most comfortable. This will energize you and rejuvenate your spirits, getting you equipped for rest of the day or even the week.

4. Bring out the chef in you

Cooking or baking, experimenting something new you have recently watched online in a social media page, or just going for your usual favourite dish, can be a huge therapy.

This is especially useful for those who enjoy being in the kitchen. Nowadays, you can find quick, easy recipes online, and most will not even require too many lavish ingredients to start with.

You can also call up a friend and ask for recommendations on what to bake or cook. Have you been craving for something recently? Look up the recipe online and try your hands on it, instead of ordering. Maybe you will realize how good homemade food can be!

5. Invest in your personal development

Reading a helpful book is never a waste. If you are into self-development, or have a favourite writer who talks about topic of your interest, use this time to read his or her blog or pick up one of his books from your shelf or make a quick trip to the library nearby.

There are also a lot of helpful books online, some being the recent bestsellers to inspire you in your career. Reading how to make yourself better can prove to be highly productive for the future.

6. Watch motivational videos

We all have those moments when we get carried away while watching something on YouTube or Facebook. While most of us are very addicted to memes, we occasionally make our way to educational videos or TED Talks which talk about something that sparks our interest.

However, if you limit yourself, there are several YouTube channels which can prove to be very useful to help improve your work ethics or to advise you on life and progress. 

7. Write down your thoughts

Has your head been full lately? Do you have too many things going on in your life? Maybe take a moment to list them down.

This can help sort out entangled thoughts and give you a better overview of your current state. Have you been confused about something lately? Jot down the pros and cons of the choices and weigh them to make a more solid decision.

On the other hand, do you enjoy making bucket lists or listing goals? You can take this time to think and write down what milestones you want to achieve for yourself in the coming years. This can help you plan the next steps of your life.

8. Draw a SWOT matrix or take a personality test

Whether you work in a team or on your own, a SWOT matrix is highly useful for yourself and your project in hand. It can evaluate and give you a vivid picture about your strength and weaknesses on which you can plan and work accordingly. Take this time to list them down

 Do you want know yourself a bit more? Look up the best recommended personality tests online and spend your time getting to know yourself better. 

Bottom Line

Boredom can really be the curse of productivity. It is easy to blame it all on procrastination but if the time is used efficiently and effectively, it can alleviate your chances of stimulating positive energy within yourself and making productive progress. And this list of 8 Productive Things to Do When You’re Bored will surely come to your use!

About the Author

A Husband, father of 6 and musician, Harry decided to create BirdnSoul to share his mindful journey with the world, and help others become more mindful in their daily lives.

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